About Me



MONEY 2.0 is an alternative currency concept designed to replace the current money system (in which the power to create money is a monopoly exercised by banks). In MONEY 2.0, anyone can issue money who is willing to exchange products or services.

Moreover, MONEY 2.0 is a project aimed at uniting the current alternative money efforts. Unlike other alternative currency projects, the MONEY 2.0 concept is completely transparent: All currency parameters are derived from necessities documented in the MONEY 2.0 SOURCE QUESTIONS. Therefore, MONEY 2.0 is open to rational discourse and collaboration.

MONEY 2.0 offers the following features:

Availability: MONEY 2.0 is automatically created through trades. As MONEY 2.0 is always available, an economic crisis induced by the misallocation of money is virtually impossible.

Stability: Since anyone issuing money is required to sell an equal amount of goods and services, MONEY 2.0 cannot be overissued. This eliminates the main reason for inflation.

Impartiality: As the power to issue MONEY 2.0 rests with all market participants, MONEY 2.0 isn’t vulnerable to the manipulations of a few.

Fairness: In MONEY 2.0, participants can issue money equivalent to their economic abilities. Since money isn’t issued through loans and cannot be lost to interest payments, its capacity as a medium of exchange is unhampered.

Independence: MONEY 2.0 doesn’t depend on the current financial system and therefore isn’t vulnerable to a crash or “crisis” of traditional currencies.

Compatibility: MONEY 2.0 is open for exchange against other currencies.

Grassroots: Currencies based on MONEY 2.0 can be run by any person or organization and do not require the cooperation of any other party or institution.

Scalability: MONEY 2.0 is suitable for currencies of any size – from family money (with only a handful of participants) to large commercial markets involving millions of traders.

Transparency: The MONEY 2.0 software is open source, and all system data are public. Unlike in the traditional money system, there are no hidden costs – neither for the individual nor the public.

Mission Statement »
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