About Me


Mission Statement

Working on a functioning money system cannot be an end in itself – rather, it is a necessity arising from the fatal design flaws of the current system. Therefore, any alternative currency has to be judged by how much it can contribute to an actual solution. Present-day alternative money concepts typically lack this analysis and are often based on arbitrary, ideological or otherwise flawed assumptions. This abundance of misguided concepts is a problem in itself and not only creates the impression that the current system is irreplaceable, but also threatens to alienate potential users of alternative money for good.

MONEY 2.0 is an attempt to lead the way out of this blind alley, to combine the present efforts and facilitate a consensus between anyone who is aware of the dire consequences of the current money system and therefore determined to take action. The ultimate goal is to create a widely accepted standard which is recognizable as a coherent brand and represents a viable alternative to bank-issued money. Moreover, the term “MONEY 2.0” expresses the aspiration to establish a legitimate successor that is fit to replace the medium of exchange currently known as “money” in its entirety.

To allow for such an agreement, MONEY 2.0 follows the principle of scientific testability. Just like any other practical concept, alternative money systems can be optimized to reach the intended goals in the best way possible. Once the goals have been defined, all conceivable options can be considered to find out if they contribute to the intended goals or impede them. Consequently, all features of MONEY 2.0 are replicable even to newcomers and can be checked for usefulness and possible design faults. Just the same, new ideas can be examined and seamlessly integrated, leading to further improvement of MONEY 2.0.

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